Frequently asked questions
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When will I get my order?
I will email you ever step of the way. Such as getting put in the dehydrator, packing, and shipping.
Are you allowed to be selling stuff because your just a teenager?
Yes. According to the Cottage Law it says i am allowed to sell out of my home.
Is it safe to be eating my food?
Yes, I use all organic fruits and veggies. I also the fruits before they go into the dehydrator and clean the dehydrator every time. I also use gloves and wash my hands and sanitize the space i am using.
Am I hiring?
I am not hiring. Because I am a small business owner i do not have a lot of money to be paying people the amount of money they deserve. And I also am doing just find by myself. But if you do ever want to make a few dollars you can help me out my mailing stuff just email-
If you have any more questions feel free to email me at-